华体会体育大厅 讯 据美国食品安全新闻网消息,夏威夷群岛中的考艾岛是美国生物技术公司热衷从事转基因作物试验的岛屿,部分作物被用来测试抗农药基因,然而民众担心生物技术公司喷洒的农药会对学校、医院、水源地与居住区产生影响,因此民众对转基因试验发起了抵制活动。近日考艾岛地方政府通过一项法令,要求生物技术公司向外界公布所使用的的化学品名单。
Thanks to a year-round growing season, the Hawaiian island of Kauai is a popular place for biotech companies to work on developing genetically modified (GM) crops.
At least some of those crops, however, are grown to test the effectiveness of their pesticide-resistant genes - a fact that has led to numerous protests by islanders in recent months.