
欧盟评估非转基因Neobacillus sp.菌株AE-LT生产的β-半乳糖苷酶的安全性

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-10-13  来源:华体会体育大厅   作者:泽夕  浏览次数:28
   华体会体育大厅 讯  2022年10月12日,欧盟食品安全局就一种β-半乳糖苷酶(β-galactosidase)的安全性评价发布意见。
  据了解,这种食品酶是由非转基因Neobacillus sp. 菌株AE-LT生产的,旨在用于牛奶加工和低聚半乳糖生产中的乳糖水解。
  The food enzyme β-galactosidase (EC is produced with the non-genetically modified Neobacillus sp. strain AE-LT by Amano Enzyme Inc. The strain is not cytotoxic and does not harbour any known virulence factor or antimicrobial resistance gene. The presence of viable cells of the production strain in the food enzyme could not be excluded, but the likelihood of this being a hazard is considered low. The food enzyme is intended to be used for lactose hydrolysis in milk processing and the manufacture of galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS). The dietary exposure to the food enzyme–total organic solids (TOS) was estimated to be up to 2.971 mg TOS/kg body weight (bw) per day in European populations. Genotoxicity tests did not raise a safety concern. The systemic toxicity was assessed by means of a repeated dose 90-day oral toxicity study in rats. The Panel identified a no observed adverse effect level of 1,223 mg TOS/kg bw per day, the highest dose tested, which when compared with the estimated dietary exposure, results in a margin of exposure of at least 412. A search for similarity of the amino acid sequence of the food enzyme to known allergens was made and no match was found. The Panel considered that, under the intended conditions of use, the risk of allergic reactions by dietary exposure cannot be excluded, but the likelihood for this to occur is low. based on the data provided, the Panel concluded that this food enzyme does not give rise to safety concerns under the intended conditions of use.
  本文由华体会体育大厅 食品资讯中心编辑,有任何疑问,请联系news@foodmate.net。





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